Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday, December 7, 2012

1 month old

This sweet little baby is already 1 month old. He is such a wise and kind spirit. He cries a lot more than my other babies but I don't mind because it gives me an excuse to hold him a lot. He loves to be close to me and loves to suck on anything (hand, binky, boobie, bottle). He is so precious and is a joy to our family. The poor little guy is very sick right now for the second time. How do I keep kid germs away from my baby when they are all over him?
We can't wait to get to know him better and have a lot more kisses, snuggles, and smiles...along with all the crying:)

He is already almost 10 pounds and is growing so tall he doesn't fit in newborn clothes already. (This is rare for one of our babies) Dear baby please don't grow up too quick;)
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Brent Aaron Postl

Born November 7, 2012
7:45 PM
7 lbs 11 oz, 20 inches long, 13.75 inch head

Brent's Birth Story

For the "birth junkies" out there. It is pretty detailed so read at your own risk:)

This story starts long before the day our little baby was born. I had been having so many contractions the whole week before my due date that I was pretty sure this little guy would make his appearance early. Then on my due date (the 30th) I found out very emotional news that pretty much put my labor on shut down.

I decided to call my sister and beg her to come out and help me through everything. A few days later she arrived. We tried to relax and talk and take it easy in hopes that I could calm my emotions down.

 Finally on Sunday (the 4th) I was feeling pretty desperate to get the baby out so I took Castor oil in the morning and headed to church. *Note to self never take Castor oil before heading anywhere. I started having small contractions at church but nothing great. Then later that night they started to kick in. I had them for a good couple of hours and was starting to think it would happen. Then again they petered out. Talk about making me crazy!

 My sister was leaving town on Wednesday morning and I wanted to have that Brent early so I could have some help after he was born. Plus she was going to be my doula during the birth. 
Monday came around and the whole day I had nothing. Jason and I walked every night for hours in hopes that something would start. I was feeling pretty discouraged.

Then on Tuesday I went to my midwife and told her I needed her to strip my membranes.  She said no at first because of a staph culture I had had, but after getting all the info I went back at 4 PM and got them stripped.

 Then again I went walking. I lost more of my mucous plug which had been coming out for weeks but this time there was some blood in it (bloody show). I then had a blessing that the contractions and labor would start soon. That was the best news ever! 

I came home and got everything ready. Sure enough contractions started and I just went to bed in hopes that I would wake up with very intense contractions. It was all working good. I woke up in the middle of the night to some that we're very strong but after 2 hours or so they stopped again! Oh good grief! I was mentally and physically exhausted at this point but kept remembering my blessing that I had received and looked to that with hope and faith.

The next morning (the 7th) came and I was feeling nothing so Jason and I decided to walk to Panera before we took Brooke to school. The walking did nothing. So to school Brooke went and then we took Preston to the park. We walked and walked but still nothing was happening. In my blessing I was also told that the baby would come on Gods timeline so I just tried to focus on that. It was hard though because in  just a few hours I would need to take my sister to the airport. 

 The time came to drop her off and say goodbye. I was pretty emotional but I know God had another plan for this birth that I wasn't willing to accept unless my sister was gone. That's a story in and of itself.

After dropping my Sister off at the airport we picked Brooke up from school and just went about the day as usual. At around 3PM my contractions started again and were pretty intense but I didn't think much about them because of the stop and go I had been having. At around 5 PM I could tell that it was different this time and started timing my contractions. They were about 5 Min's apart and lasting a minute. I still just went about the usual night routine. Made dinner and ate and just breathed through the contractions when they came. 

At 5:30 PM I could tell that things were picking up and that tonight would be the night. I called my Dad and asked him to come out so he could be with the kids. 

My Dad arrived at 6:30 PM. My contractions went to 3 minutes apart very quickly but I was still handling it all okay. They say you should go to the birth center when you can't handle it anymore. 

At around 6:55 PM my water broke. It is so weird because with Preston and Brent both I could tell my water was going to break a second before it did. As soon as it broke I knew it was game time. I got very serious and focused and within minutes we were in the car on the way to the birth center.

The contractions were very intense in the car. At one point I totally lost it and screamed pretty bad, but after that one was over with I told myself that I needed to relax and that I could not loose it like that again. I put Hypnobirthing on and just breathed. 

In the Hypnobirthing CD it talks about going into a room that is filled with peace and that I could invite anyone I wanted into that room with me. I thought of Christ and how he had gone through this before and so I decided that he and I could do it together. I breathed and breathed and breathed. My mind kept thinking what if I am only at a 3 when I get there? I told myself that if I was only at a 3 I would kindly tell everyone I made a big mistake and to take me to the hospital and get me some drugs.

We finally arrived at the birth center at 7:30 PM. Lori came out to greet us. I told her I needed to poop really bad. She said go ahead and then told Jason not to let me push in case it was the baby. After being unsuccessful in the poo department and feeling very uncomfortable I went into the birth room and saw that glorious tub all filled with nice warm water. I have never wanted to jump into something so bad before. Within seconds I got mad at Jason because he wasn't taking my shoes off or helping me to get undressed. It seemed like an eternity waiting for him to strip off my clothes when in reality it was only about 20 seconds. 

Once in the water it felt so good. It was like a comforting blanket on a cold day and was just what I needed. I then began to pray hard that I could do this. I kept telling myself you are only at a 6 and you have hours more of this ahead (I had conditioned myself because of how long my labor was with Brooke.) Lori then checked the baby's heart tones and then checked me. I was in an awkward position and she said "Natalie I think he is right there."  Once I got into a better position I had Lori check me again and sure enough his head was right there and I was fully dilated. I was praising God with all my heart at this point.

I felt so much relief when I heard that. Lori told me to push with my next contraction but I told her that I had no desire to push. I waited through a few contractions when Lori told me to try to push. I asked her to help me. She put two fingers inside me and said "push my fingers out with the next contraction." Once I had that sensation triggered I had the most intense pressure and sensation to push. It felt like I had a giant bowling ball in my butt. Jason looked down and saw Brent's head half way out. My eyes were closed because I was focusing so much. I started freaking out a little because of how it felt and started to stand up to find a better position. Lori told me to sit back down and Jason held me a little. I wanted to push slowly so I could ease the baby out and not rip. The urge to push was so strong though that I gave up and pushed him in out in one push. I didn't care anymore if I would rip or not, I just wanted him out. Then I felt immediate relief as I pushed him out with one push just 15 minutes after getting to the birth center.

Lori brought him to my chest and I couldn't believe he was already there and I was holding him. I'm pretty sure I was crying. It was one of the best moment in my life. I immediately fell in love with him. 

We bonded in the tub with him still attached to me while we waited for the cord to stop pulsating. We spent a good 30 minutes or so before Jason cut the cord. After that we got out of the tub and got to bond in bed for a few hours. He latched on like a champ and I was in bliss. He was my little joyous miracle and he was finally here!

After a few hours Lori did the newborn stuff and then by 11 PM we were home and snuggled in our own bed. It was so nice to be home and not in a hospital where they keep waking you up constantly.

It was my perfect birth and I loved every minute of it.

*Birth Slide Show. No gross shots but I am in a sports bra in some of the pics. I don't know why it published so poor quality but I can't figure out how to fix it.

The After Birth Story

Why do I need an after birth story? Because this has been one of the hardest weeks physically I have ever gone through and I want to remember how strong I am and how it brought me close to the Lord.

After we got home from the birth center we were able to go straight to sleep. My after birth contractions were so strong that I was having to wake up and breath through them. The next day they were very bad still and almost unbearable. I was just doing what I could but felt like I was about to have another baby any minute. 

The next night I got up to go to the bathroom and felt like I was pushing something out of me that I shouldn't. It really freaked me out so much that I threw up. I called the midwife and she said I could come in in the morning and not to worry too much since I wasn't bleeding a lot. I received another blessing and it allowed me to sleep until my appt. When we got there I found out that I had a prolapsed cervix which means I was pushing and my cervix out of me. Really? How does that even happen? I was also worried that I might have something still left in my uterus because the contractions were so bad. Lori gave me some pills to take that would clean anything out of my uterus if there was something. I was supposed to take 1 pill every 6 hours for a total of 4 pills. 

I took the first pill before we left and then we headed home. Within 10 Min's I started to have the most intense pain in the form of cramps and contractions that wouldn't let up even for a second. I was writhing in pain and crying the whole way home. I informed Jason that I would not be taking those pills again after suffering for hours. 

In the blessing that I had received it talked about experiencing a portion of the atonement. I did. It sure made me grateful for all that our Savior went through for us. I sure love him.

To top all of this off my kids were super sick with fevers and coughs themselves. I have been so worried they are going to get the baby sick.

The next day I felt better and then on Sunday I was actually able to get up and go to the first part of church. 

I thought I was through the worse.

Then I woke up on Monday morning in the same excruciating pain and with a fever of 103. I called the midwife and we waited for a while until Jason demanded I go to the ER. I hate hospitals and I didn't want to take my newborn to one. He gave me no choice though. 

We arrived and after lots of tests and an ultrasound to see if I had something in my uterus, we found out that I had a pretty bad infection in my blood. They hooked me up to an IV with antibiotics and gave me some to take home. Now here I sit still waiting to feel better. I feel seriously weak and still have a very high temp. I have an angel friend Bonnie who came the last two days and helped me with the kids. How grateful I am for wonderful people who are always willing to sacrifice and help. Thanks to those of you who have been praying for me and my family. I can feel your prayers and I know they are being answered.

Now hopefully onto brighter days:)

Please excuse anything that doesn't make sense. I am not in my right mind.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trunk or Treat

We just had our ward Trunk or Treat. The kids decided to be Jake and Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. 

 Jason was Captain Hook and I slapped a name tag with maybe on it so "you can call my maybe." I don't think anyone got my costume though. Here I am at 40 weeks pregnant:)

Here the kids are on stage showing off there costumes. Brooke is such a performer and loves to be on stage but Preston totally surprised me by how much he enjoyed being up there. In my opinion he stole the show.

 Trunk or Treating. The kids had so much fun and I loved seeing the excitement in there eyes. Brookie was glowing and so sparkly from all the excitement. I love those moments!

Preston chowing a cupcake:)

The loot when we got home.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Kiddies

These kids are just the cutest and sweetest things. I haven't done an update on them in forever so here are somethings I want to remember. 

Right now the kids have become best friends and play so well together. They still have some sibling rivalry but for the most part they really love and support one another. It makes my Mommy heart pretty happy:).

 The kids also both love to kiss my stomach and talk about Brent. They can't wait for him to come. I hope they still feel the same way when I have to nurse him all day long. Here I am at almost 39 weeks pregnant.
 Brooke's face just cracks me up in this one! Here personality is displayed perfectly. Crazy, energetic, and a sweet little fireball all wrapped up into a super cute package!

 This little guy is the sweetest and most awesome boy a Mom could ever ask for. He is at such a fun age. He can talk and say just about everything he wants to (although he has a hard time pronouncing everything.) He loves to do just about anything and is such a joy to be with. He is also so tender and kind. He has such a sweet and special spirit. 

Right now he says all of his "s" words with an "f." So Super Man is "fupper man", snuggle is "fuggle" and so on. I love it when through out the day he asks me to "fuggle" him. Makes me smile every time.  He is really into Jake and the Neverland Pirates and loves to play pretend. He does not like to pretend play scary things as he can work himself up and scare himself. He is still so tiny for his age at 2.5 years old he only weighs 25 pounds. He is going through a non eating phase which always stresses me out but I have learned how to deal with it from my non eating daughter. I basically love him to pieces and he will even tell you that "Mommy and Preston are wuvers (lovers.)

This sweet girl has started to be such a joy to be around. We have had a lot of hard times because of how smart she is, but she is starting to understand life a bit better and although she still is the testiest kid I have ever met she is also such a sweet and helpful little girl. She has such a sweet heart that wants to do what is right and she tries her best. She helps so much with Preston and she is so excited to help with her new baby brother. 
She loves anything crafty right now (a girl after my own heart.) She loves to do anything with another person but really doesn't like to play by herself at all... or do anything by herself for that matter. She is such a sparkly little girl at this age. She loves princesses and jewelry and makeup and her eyes light up so much when she sees pretty stuff. I really lobe her and enjoy her so much!

She is such a talker too and could talk forever to me! This is fun and exhausting all at the same time. I wonder if it will continue into the teenage years.

They both LOVE there awesome Dad so much. I agree with them and think we will keep him around!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Back to school

I know I have been horrible with blogging and I have tons of stuff from the summer to post but I know if I don't just skip over it then I will never catch up blogging again.

 This summer was a lot of fun. We had a summer list again that included these activities - The beach, the pool, swim lessons, Knotts Soak City, splash ground, candy store, Children's Discovery Museum, park, Temple, Balboa Island and Fashioned Island, Pump it up, Dodger Game, go out for ice cream, movie in the theater, shaved ice, feed the ducks, lots of popsicle eating, slumber party, BBQ at the pool, kids golf. We managed to do all of those and lots more! We also got to have family come down and visit us for a week and a half and got to do a week in a timeshare in palm springs with lots of cousins and a water slides. It was fun.

I also got to do a week "sisters" trip with all my awesome sisters in Arizona. It was so much fun! We just relaxed, talked, ate, and floated a lazy river at our hotel. We even managed to do a humanitarian project and we got lots of quality sister time. I sure love those awesome ladies!!

School is back in session now. Here is Brookie on her first day back to preschool. She was so excited to be back.

Preston is getting so big and is a little boy now. We still all call him "baby" but he unfortunately has passed that phase. He loves anything cars, trains, and pirates. He is a funny and happy go lucky kid.

I am just trying to get through this heat while pregnant. We are getting closer but it still seems so very far off that this little boy is ever coming.

Jason is good as always and is rocking it in his job. Plus I think he gets sweeter and more handsome everyday so that's a bonus:)

I guess that's about it. 3 months summed up in a few paragraphs.

Oh yes and Brooke decided to have her ears pierced. Here is a video for your enjoyment:)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Incriminating Evidence

I cannot believe that I am posting this but I don't ever want to forget it, so up on the blog it goes.

Don't judge us too bad.

Jason always gets picked to go up on stage and do things. The problem is, is that he HATES performing in front of people. The poor guy has gotten picked for everything our whole married and dating life. Twice on our honeymoon, and just about every time we go to a show, comedian or vacation.
Our trip to Punta Cana was no different. We only had one scheduled dinner with everyone from Jason's Company there during the whole vacation. They had a merengue couple come be our entertainment for the night. After they danced a little they selected 5 couples that had to perform in a dance off. Of course we got selected as one of the couples. Then they showed us a one minute example of the meringue aggressivo and then told us to do what they just did. It is quite a sexual and aggressive dance so it was embarrassing to have to copy it in front of everybody, not to mention I am 4 months pregnant. Jason won't even dance with me at home so this is a dance I don't ever want to forget. Even though he hates doing it my husband COMMITTED to it. So awesome. And even though we were rather horrible at attempting a real merengue aggressivo we won the competition:) Our prize was a bottle of rum. Love that they awarded a pregnant lady with Rum.

So with all that said here is our very short dance that will always make me laugh. Incriminating evidence? I think so:)

Princess Tea Party

Brooke's friend Brooklyn had a princess Tea party for her fourth birthday. It was so cute! All the girls got to have their makeup, hair and nails done and then they dined in style at their tea party. It was so fun watching the girls and seeing how they acted after getting all their beauty stuff done.
Here are some great shots that Shane got of the day -
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Punta Cana Dominican Republic

It has almost been a month since we left for this trip so I guess I better post some pics about it.

Jason and I got to go to Punta Cana with his company The Ensign Group since he met his goal for last year. It was a lot of fun. The best part was getting to hang out with my hubby for a week and just relax with him.

We had a few adventures along the way. We missed our flight that everyone else from his company was on and we ended up having to fly to Puerto Rico for one night and then arrive the next day in Punta Cana. It was pretty crazy. The worst part to me was flying in a tiny propeller plane from Puerto Rico to Punta Cana. I thought i was going to die. It also started to rain right after take off. Awesome. Thankfully we survived!

We stayed at the Barcelo Bavaro Palace Deluxe and never left the resort because they told us it wasn't very safe. We played tennis, golf, miniature golf, swam in the ocean, did paddle boats, talked and got to know a lot of people in Jason's company, and ate a lot of very gross food. 

When in rains it pours...I have never seen rain like I did there. It was pretty crazy how it came down in sheets. We almost got stuck out on a paddle boat in the ocean right before this down pour happened. 

The menu's were one of my favorite things to read. They tried so hard but clearly didn't have any one who speaks English edit them. Read the Chicken Cacciatore it says "Chicken cut in chunks attacked with mushrooms and fetas of bacon." I love that the mushrooms are attacking the chicken and that they used fetas as an adjective instead of a food item.

I was horrible at taking pictures the whole time. We did so many more things but I was camera lazy. It was a great relaxing vacation!
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Big Boy Bed

My little man is officially out of a crib. He loves his big boy bed and has had no problems sleeping in it. Now he just needs some bedding:)
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Monday, June 4, 2012


I am at a loss for being a parent right now. I have been feeling so overwhelmed. Everyday has been such a struggle. Brooke cries and whines ALL day long over and over again. (This is new since we got back from vacation.) She never eats anything. She just begged me to take her to a restaurant and have a lunch date so we went to IN-n-Out because she was so excited to eat a hamburger and then she refuses to even take a bite even though she is starving.

Her and Preston fight all the time. They love each other but they also hurt each other constantly. She has taught him so many bad things that I feel like my sweet boy is ruined.

The hardest part is that Brooke is a grump and cranky all day long. She has turned into a little 4 year old monster that I just don't want to be around.

I feel horrible for feeling this way but each morning I wake up to crying, fighting, disobedience, and try to be happy and change the vibe in the house but after a few hours I am as bad as they are.

Parenting an overly smart child is HARD! So many people I feel don't get me on this. Seriously I am parenting a teenager mind. She challenges everything I say, she never takes no for an answer. To her it is just a word that means try to manipulate me a different way. She gets life so much but she also challenges everything that goes on.

I don't know what to do. I am a very consistent parent. I don't let my kids walk all over me but I also offer  second chances and lots of love. I feel like I can't give Brooke second chances anymore because she takes it for granted. As soon as she tests and does something she knows she shouldn't and I go to give her the consequence she begs for a second chance even though I just told her what the consequence would be if she does what I am asking her not to do.

I know some days are harder than others but today I just want to run away. Please pray for me because I feel my sanity is already gone.

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a ...

I secretly went to an ultrasound last Saturday without my family knowing and I found out what we are having. Well I didn't actually find out. I had the ultrasound technician write it down for me and I demonstrated amazing self control by not peaking at it. Then I took a bunch of rolled up papers that I had made that said things like "it's a ... baby!" and I had them stuffed into blue and pink balloons with the real answer being in one of the balloons. Make sense? I brought the balloons home and the games began:)

I had Jason and the kids pop the balloons until we found the real answer... I was so anxious to find out!

Jason found out first when he popped the right balloon. He ran around the house taunting me for a bit. Come on buddy, just tell me already!!

He whispered it to Brooke and she is the one who told me what we are having.

We are so excited for another boy to join our family:) Brooke is excited that she can "boss her brothers around" and I am excited to have a boy for Preston. Can you tell Jason was super excited?
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Helping Out

Brooke recently did the dishes for me for the first time and she LOVED it! I am thinking I need to capitalize on this now:)


Preston is 2

This post is a few weeks late. Preston turned 2 on April 30th. He is such a sweet and fun boy and I thank my lucky stars everyday that he is mine!

Somethings about Preston -

He LOVES Disney Cars and is obsessed with Mator and Mcqueen.
He still loves to snuggle and give kisses.
He has turned into a typical 2 year old and wines and cried quite a bit:(
He loves his sister and they have such a cute relationship. It really has changed so much since he was first born and I think they will be great friends forever.
He loves to jump off of thing (this scares me a lot.)
He can sing lots of songs and is a very musical kid. I would not be surprised if he ends up playing several instruments.
He is very analytical in his thinking and likes to know how things work.
He is very easy going and loving like he always has been.
He folds his arms and says amen very good during prayers.
We LOVE him to pieces!

Friday, April 27, 2012

What we've been up to...

What we've been up to? Well mostly staying at home growing this little baby who has taken over my body. I have felt super sick but the relief has finally come. (For the most part) Here are a few things we have done in the past two months.

My Nephew McKay got to come down from Idaho with his band to perform at Disneyland. Luckily we have passes so we got to see him play. He was so awesome and had 3 solo's! Did you know I played trumpet?? Yep, I like to think I passed my talent on to him...although he is much better than I ever was. So proud of you McKay! My sister Amy also got to come visit for a couple days with her 4 other kids. I loved soaking them up and didn't want them to leave. Too bad I took no pictures the whole time.

We finally got Preston off his bottle. Here is one of the last times he got to enjoy it all snuggled with his sister. These two are way to cute together. 

We got to welcome Emily Felton into this world. Oh man is she beautiful and perfect! It was love at first sight for me. I can't wait to do lots more snuggling with this cute little bunny. Brooke was in love holding her too and did not want to let her go. I am hoping she gets the little sister that she wants after seeing the way she was with Emily!

We all got the flu for about a week and a half and it was horrible!! Poor super sick kiddies!

Trying to find ways to stay sane being in the house so much and not feeling so good. Here is Brooke's city that she built. 

Brookie just started a new dance class (no pics) and soccer. I loved the soccer coach and Brooke did so good for not really knowing what soccer was. She was so proud when she made a goal! 
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